Wife of: Yankees first baseman Jason Giambi
Age: 27 Married: February 2002
Résumé: Graphic designer, from California
Husband’s income: $120 million contract
Lives: Upper East Side
How they met: Giambi was eating alone at P.F. Chang’s in San Francisco when Kristian’s grandmother—an Oakland A’s season-ticket holder—approached him and ended up introducing her granddaughterWedding detail: Guests were seated at designated tables named after ballparks. The Giambis sat at “Yankee Stadium.” Common interest with husband: Harley-Davidsons.
Kritian Rice, Jason Giambi's Wive, NY Yankees, Baseball Players, Kristian Rice Giambi, Kristin Giambi, Kristin Rice, wife of a steroid user
Went to high school with her. Looking even hotter after the investment in silicone!
She hasn't gotten plastic surgery dumbass
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